call me- 1800 you wish


a bit confused? read this

-this is NOT bella thorne site okay? this is bellalebs's, salsabila khairunnisa.and for her fans please dont take it too seriously-

Minggu, 19 Juli 2009


hmm bella thorne gue damai deh sama lo beneran, ill never yell at her anymore and try to think that she's beautiful(?).i dont want to mess up with her anymore, dont want to sign her guestbook anymore, dont wanna yell at her photos and call her incest.i think ive got enough karma from her, its enough i dont want to get karma anymore really.maybe i realized that im a bit mean to her, i dont care if shes anorexia,or senga,or about her boyfriend ich sage haha, okay sooo can we be friends bella thorne? hmm aneh banget rasanya gue ngetik kaya gitu, tapi biarinlah demi kebaikan gue dan si thorne juga seneng kan ga dikatain kali, udah deh damai kita ya thorne:)

bella thorne ala MJ

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