call me- 1800 you wish


a bit confused? read this

-this is NOT bella thorne site okay? this is bellalebs's, salsabila khairunnisa.and for her fans please dont take it too seriously-

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

game from mia

heihei gue dapet game nih dari blog mia,and the rules of the game are:
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
4. Copy and paste into your own note.

nah terus kan gue nyoba nih hasilnya:

What does next year have in store for me?
better that we break-maroon 5 (haaah??)

What does your love life look like?
just dance-lady gaga , haha masa lovelife just dance sih

What do I say when life gets hard?
helena-mcr,coba ah kalo gue lagi setres bilang helena terus

What do I think of when I get up in the morning?
dont say you love me-m2m

What song will I dance to at my wedding?
say-john mayer, lagu begini mau ngedance kaya gimanaaa?

What do you want as a career?
diva-beyonce, hmm bolehlah

Favorite place?
the kill-30STM,maksudnya gue paling suka tempat tkp gitu?hua setres

What do you think of your parents?
not crazy-b-team,ahaha yaiyalah kalo ortu gue gila,guenya gimana entar?

Where would you go on a first date?
billy brown-mika, ngapain ke billy brown ya?

Drug of choice?
geek in the pink-jason mraz

Describe yourself
1234-plain white's, maksudnya gue baru bisa belajar ngitung gitu?!

The song that best describes the president?
single ladies-beyonce, SBY cowo ya bukan cewe,dan dia udah punya istri zzzz

How will I die?
freak out-avril lavingne, haha teriak dulu gitu baru mati?

What song will be played at your funeral?
dead-my chemical romance,haha pas lah di funeral laguya dead.

How are you feeling right now?
dancing queen-ABBA,siapa coba yg lagi ngedance?

What's your catch up phrase?
i bet you look good on the dancefloor-arctic monkeys

Your biggest secret..
satellite-love song surprise, engga gue gapernah nyembunyiin satelit kok sumpaaah

Worst thing ...
wonderful world-james morrison,mi nasib kita sama ya haha

If you could change something from the past.. What would it be?
built to last-melee, boleh boleh

What is it in your mind?
make it mine-jason mraz

what do you think you are?
gravity-sara bareilles, kok kok??

Describe ur idol!
things i'll never say,sok rahasia gitu haha

your lucky charm?
i kissed a girl-katy perry,whaaat?

worst thing you've ever had?
when will i see your face again-jamie scott and the town,gue yakin orang yg mau gue liat pasti jelek banget nyampe jadi worst thing gitu.

what do you think bout ur best friend?
bye bye-mariah carey,hah? jangan dong

what do you think bout ur boyfriend?
it ends tonight-all american rejects,wihiii

ur favourite words?
like a boy-ciara,???

what will happen to you in the next 10 years?
hot and cold-katy perry

if u're mad and sad, what will you do or say?
love me tender-david archuleta,haha

best thing u've ever had?
mad-neyo, ah pasti gara2 penyanyinya jawabannya jd ganyambung gini

place you dream of?
everlasting love-jamie cullum,ckckck

words u hope from ur boyfriend?
the best damn thing-avril lavinge,loh bel???

words u hope from ur bestfriends?
im yours-jason mraz,dih emang gue lesbi apa? haha

what are you dreamin' of?
stones-plain jane automobile, penting abis mimpiin batu

what is the first thing on ur mind bout boys?
gives you hell-all american rejects,kejem banget gue ya

ur best memories?
the worst day ever-simple plan,best memories aja gitu apalagi worstnya coba

ur worst memories?
the day you went away-m2m,huhu so saad(apasih)

ur husband will ..
i like to move it,suami ge bukan bintang yg nyanyiin ini di madagaskar kaan?

what will happen with ur career?
vampires will never hurt you-mcr,cool

what do you think bout all these questions?
troublemaker-weezer &change your mind-boyce avenue haha setres ah

1 blablabla:

miiiy lollipoppp's mengatakan...

ahahahaha ... nasib kita samaan yak .. worst=wonderful ..
parah ni gemmmm..

Describe yourself
1234-plain white's *geblekkkkk*

How will I die?
freak out-avril lavingne *lo mending bel .. nah gua? make love masa? ancurcurcur*

what are you dreamin' of?
stones-plain jane automobile *NGAKAK*

ur husband will ..
i like to move it *emang cocok bel .. nikah sono ama kuda nil*

what do you think bout all these questions?
troublemaker-weezer &change your mind-boyce avenue *trouble maker .. setuju abis*

What do you think of your parents?
not crazy-b-team *kebayang kalo ortu lo baca*