call me- 1800 you wish


a bit confused? read this

-this is NOT bella thorne site okay? this is bellalebs's, salsabila khairunnisa.and for her fans please dont take it too seriously-

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

the end, petsos pengen gue gorok

aah akhirnya presentasi kartul udah selesai aminamin, yees hari ini pokoknya gue mau SANTAI. nonto aygstfg nanti malem terus american idol, terus ghost hunter (eh ghost hunter masih ada gasih?), terus mau nonton amytiville of horror bentar lagi, huhu asikasik. tapi minggu depan uts, aaaaaa udah2 jangan ppikirin itu ya tendang aja dulu uts ya aah. terus mau upload gambar2 gitulah tapi batre hp gue abis di charge duludeh, oh iya tapi gue bete ya sama petsos pengen gue gorok (emang bisa?) ah *** **** abis sih lo, ah rese rese weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fnakhioawegtagftpbepwhgbwegp pokoknya gamau tau gue harus duluin. lula ayo lula semangat! aller lula! haha norak gitu baru tau ada translate google -_-

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